

Hoàng Hữu Mạnh

Backend developer

Hoang Huu Manh

Backend Engineer of Diaflow


2016-2021 : Information Technology Engineer; Danang University of Science and Technology

GPA 3.23



My Most Recent Work Experience:

Working extensively with cutting-edge technologies such as FastAPI, Stripe, Celery, Docker, and Kubernetes (K8s), I have gained invaluable experience in architecting and implementing scalable solutions. FastAPI has proven to be a robust framework for building APIs quickly and efficiently, while Stripe integration has enabled seamless and secure online transactions within our applications. Leveraging Celery for distributed task execution has enhanced the performance and responsiveness of our systems.

  • company website link.

That Other Job I Had

  1. Building a high school management website. (fastapi, jinja2)
  2. Developing a reupload application for various social media platforms. (python, selenium, video process)
  3. Creating an e-commerce website. (fastapi, jinja2)
  4. Constructing browser automation applications. (python, selenium)

Technical Experience

With experience in using Python, Node, and Golang for API development, I have engaged in automation scripting and built basic AI models using PyTorch. My understanding spans caching, RESTful APIs, and SQL queries, and I am capable of visualizing data with Python. I consider myself at an intermediate level, always eager to learn and grow in the dynamic field of technology.

Open Source

: Building template backend projects.

Programming Languages

: Python: I use Python for backend development, writing automation tools, and creating bots.

: Bash: I utilize Bash for executing system commands, scripting automation tasks, and efficiently managing files and directories in Unix and Unix-like environments. This powerful scripting language is essential for tasks like process management, text processing, and system programming, making it a valuable tool for system administrators and programmers.

: Typescript: for backend development.

: Basic knowledge of C, C++, GO

: AWS lightsail, S3, EC2, Cloudfont


  • Framework/lib backend: Fastapi, Flask, Nestjs,Golang (MUX,GIN)
  • Caching: Redis
  • Broker message: Kafka
  • Database: PostgreSQL, Mysql, MongoDB, Weaviate(vector database)
  • GUI: tkinker
  • Cloud: AWS (lightsail, ec2, cloudfont, s3 storage, RDS,..), GCG(firebase)
  • Deploy: Nginx, docker, gitlab CI

Extra Section

  • Human Languages:

    • Japanese (N3)